Business mentor and angel investor Mark Lyttleton specialises in supporting early-stage businesses created to have a positive planetary impact. He is also a certified Associate Pranic Healer and the founder of Prana Partners, an organisation created to bring a degree of collaboration and humanity to business.

This article will look at Pranic Healing, with a particular focus on Pranic Psychotherapy and its potential to provide solutions to a wide range of psychological disorders. The attached infographic contains some interesting statistics on the impact of mental health disorders in the UK.

For someone who lives for years with sadness, fear, anger, stress or other emotional weights, it can be difficult to believe that what has tormented them in the past will not continue to do so in the future. However, the power of Pranic Healing lies in its ability to help people understand and engage with their emotional world.

Scientists and physicians are increasingly coming to appreciate that most illnesses, be they physical or psychological, arise due to internal conflict and negative emotions. If an individual can change the way they think, they can transform their inner world, leaving them happier and healthier as a result. The attached video takes a closer look at the power of thinking positively, providing pointers to help reduce stress by eliminating negative thoughts.

Pranic Psychotherapy centres around the concept that every trauma arises from a type of energy that is capable of being transformed. Every panic attack consists of anxiety or stress. Sadness, jealousy and anger are also types of negative energy located in the body that can be removed through Pranic Healing. Using a specific protocol and without ever touching the body, Pranic Healers can remove these energies, sometimes achieving impressive results in just one session – providing immediate relief and changing lives forever.

The Institute of Pranic Healing UK & Ireland is an organisation and school dedicated to sharing teachings, techniques and principles developed by Pranic Healing’s founder, Master Choa Kok Sui. The organisation offers a comprehensive training course, along with a membership programme to support students who have learned through the school with ongoing personal and professional development.

Even the most complicated and chronic emotional states can be healed or treated through the use of Pranic Healing, improving the participant’s emotional life. Panic attacks, depression, phobias, trauma, additions, obsessive behaviour and anything else that has a negative impact can be alleviated using Pranic Healing, helping participants to harmonise their relationships and lead a more balanced life. The attached PDF takes a closer look at the practice of Pranic Healing, exploring its history and health benefits.